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Spoodurance Trials

In short, the vampire sex olympics. Established in 2007 on one of the many Twilight Lexicon Vampire Mating Threads, four judges wrote the Spoodurance Trials. These trials were made possible by four excruciatingly handsome vampires- Edward, Jasper, Emmett, and Carlisle.
Special nicknames were made for each of the Cullen men, all pertaining to their strengths, and more than not, weaknesses. Among these weaknesses were overexcitement resulting in burnt hair, judges being thrown off mechanical bulls, fear of brokeness, and trying too hard in animal print underwear on a certain batpole.
Strengths of the lovely Cullens/Hale were endurance, creativity, musical skill, the ability to wham, and many others that would take up too much space, and far too much of your time.
Each vampire had a specific trainer to aid them in their abilities.
The Spoodurance Trials 2007, all started off of the term spoo and other various mentions of jokes on other threads and on FanFiction. A large number of fangirls also supported their contestant, and cheered them on throughout the whole process. Tears were shed, laughs were heard, and food was spewed onto many computer screens. Everyone who happens to have read the Trials knows that this was Spoo history in the making.

Edward and Bella's truck tied for first place in the Spoodurance Trials.

Many fans were cheering on Jasper because of his ability to wham, giving him leverage in the Spooduance Trials.

by In Love With Forever February 10, 2007

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