When rapes happen left, right and center in an area, region or country, day in and day out.
'The United Nations report has concluded that India is suffering from the worst rapedemics of the world. Women from two months old to eighty years old are raped every single day, often by multiple men and they are safe nowhere.
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A wiki of all the crimes of rape in a region or country, often over a specific period of time. Designed to catalogue sexual violence in a place and assess the seriousness of the situation.
India' s rapeository is never ending, my computer takes ages to load it.
The rapeository shows brutal crimes against women have spread from Delhi to other parts of the country. Seems like the lack of implementation of laws inspires more men to replicate the brutality in other corners of the country without any fear of retribution.
An ideology that considers men superior to women and hates women. Meninists are men threatened by the idea of women getting equal rights, and having a voice through which they can expose the indecent actions of these men. Meninists resort to tactics like spreading lies about women, often portraying women and feminists as lying, mentally unstable to damage their credibility and discredit them. These men want to go on I'll treating women and not face consequences for it. Also they claim men are the real victims , when the worst they've ever had to deal with in life was a girl rejecting them and they couldn't deal with it. They trivialise women's issues, stop women from speaking on women's issues claiming authority on the topic
and can be found crapping posts on women everywhere on social media.
As a follower of meninism, we believe that women are lying bitches and we men are denied the right abuse them by feminists, making us feel insecure and threatened .
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