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More than just corn because we also have soybeans, corn hole, racing, basketball, and rednecks.

Indiana has the best cornbread

by Indiana red neck March 5, 2022


A misunderstood political party that believed that we as a people should be able to protect our selfs with guns. Who also believe that it is wrong to have an abortion because it is taking away the chance for that baby to live and try in life. Ask anyone who was in the foster care or adoption system if they would have rather been aborted. The notion that we are pushing out agenda is completely turned around. When a trump supporter was shot and killed because he was republican liberals were happy that a man lost his life, that did nothing wrong because of his political party. And we were not the party who pushed our agenda in the wake of the uvalde shooting. And where did the racist part come in. Joe Biden has said more racist things in his life time than the majority of Trump supporters. Another fact is a good percent of republicans are people of ethnicity. So stop spreading your lies about us and maybe start looking at you own partys faults.

Sam: Im republican
Liberals: you racist biggot, we should kill you sexists racist pice of shit.

Liberals: I'm liberal
Republican: okay

by Indiana red neck June 14, 2022