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Indie Kid

Elitist, liberal (not Democrats, they're all Libertarians and Green Party and such) people aged 16-28 who listen to independent music. Better than regular people, they're smarter, hotter (they generally try and act like they don't care about how they look, but they do), and better than the general populace. Do not mistake them with emo kids, emo is the ANTI-INDIE. Emo kids and Indie kids have had a long-standing war since emo became the "new thing". Indie kids hate indie yuppies also, indie yuppies are the Starbucks-drinking, Volvo-driving kids who thing that the music they hear on The O.C. is "indie", think that that Shins song is life-changing, and only pretend to read James Joyce.

Non-Indie: Hey, I heard those Franz Ferdinand people you were telling me about, they sound great.
Indie: I told you about them in fucking Novemeber of 2003, before they sold out. Go listen to some Gang of Four anyway, they're ace, and Franz Ferdinand are just GOF knock-offs anyway.

by Indie Kid May 13, 2005

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