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Rainbow Child

Rainbow Child Is a spiritually aware person who has a strong connection with the divine creator/god. They are said to have an old soul (most born in the 1970's) with spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentences. Usually a rainbow child will have a special talent in fine arts of some sort, such as art, music, dance ect. They are said to bring peace and love to earth during the transition of times on the earth. Such a person can also be identified by the unique indigo color found in their auras and they have astonishingly beautiful eyes.

The child expressed such unconditional love making me believe she/he was a rainbow child.

by Indigo Ivy December 21, 2016

84👍 21👎


clairvoyant Is a person with the ability to see events, people or places in the future, a supernatural gift beyond normal sensory. Being able to see using the third eye or minds inner eye. Other names are including but not limited to psychic, medium, fortune teller, telepathic, second sighted.

The fortune teller was so clairvoyant that it scared me, she knew all the secrets I was kidding from my wife/husband.

by Indigo Ivy December 21, 2016

22👍 1👎

Psychic Empathy

Psychic Empathy Being able to experiance other peoples feelings, thoughts, and fears as their own, without the other individual showing any actions to support the ideas. Some may even feel like they are being mind invaded by these people who have a gift of psychic empathy. Such people would be labled as mediums, indigo, starseed, rainbow children, or fortune tellers.

I do not like going into large crowds due to my psychic empathy being so strong.

by Indigo Ivy December 21, 2016


Starseed Is a person who is spiritually aware, having a strong connection to the divine creator. Starseeds are said to be old soul sent back to earth to transform the world into the heaven on earth predicted after the end of times. Such persons may display spiritual gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudence or clairsentences. Being able to read minds, others emotions or see future events.

The girl believed she must have been a starseed because she has a feeling of connection to the stars.

by Indigo Ivy December 21, 2016

548👍 86👎

Third Eye

Third Eye The minds eye, ones inner eye or the soul's eye. The third eye is associated with the practice of Kundalini or chakra meditation. It is the 6th energy center found in the chakra center system and is associated with the color indigo. The third eye is said to be the key to visions once someone is spiritually awakened. For example: Fortune tellers or mediums have the ability to use the third eye to see or know things the physical eyes can not.

It is said that all spiritual masters had succesfully unlocked their third eye.

by Indigo Ivy December 21, 2016

26👍 13👎

Third Eye

Third Eye The minds eye, ones inner eye or the soul's eye. The third eye is associated with the practice of Kundalini or chakra meditation. It is the 6th energy center found in the chakra center system and is associated with the color indigo. The third eye is said to be the key to visions once someone is spiritually awakened. For example: Fortune tellers or mediums have the ability to use the third eye to see or know things the physical eyes can not.

It is said that all spiritual masters had succesfully unlocked their third eye.

by Indigo Ivy December 21, 2016

6👍 6👎


Clairsentience Is the ability to clearly feel energy or clear feeling. Feeling such things as emotions, thoughts, pain and yes even ghosts are made of energy. The stronger the energy of someones fears or thoughts the easier someone with clairsentience can feel it. It is an inner knowing the individual with the gift has come acustom to using and understanding as part of whom they are. For example the feeling of something is coming or knowing how someone is feeling and why. clairvoyance clairvoyant clairaudience

The girl must have been clairsentience, she/he knew the storm was coming days before it tore our little town to shreds.

by Indigo Ivy December 21, 2016

49👍 2👎