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valentine's day

A day when you get to show your significant other, be that wife/gf or husband/bf, how much you care for them. You of course show them this every day, but Valentine's Day is a day to really step up to the plate and show the person you truly care for them.

Also a day when single people get very jealous because they have no one to spend the day with and see no point in it. I'd be willing to bet money that if they were in a relationship they'd see why the day is special.

True Story

Me: "I surprised my girlfriend this year by covering her eyes and then showing her to the kitchen where I had strawberries and chocolate laid out on the table. We then proceeded to make chocolate covered strawberries, because she loves them, and then fed eachother them. We won't go into detail about what happened afterwards."

My Buddy(single): "That's stupid. What's so special about Valentine's Day anyway?"

Me: "You're only saying that cause you aren't dating anyone."

Buddy: "Shut up man." (Proceeds to walk away)

by IneedAnameFoo February 17, 2006

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