Source Code

Good Source Of Vitamins

A term for any article of food, typically snack foods, that has a significant amount of sugar in it, around 50% your daily value's sugar per serving size.

Upon the box of poptarts read a small but prevalent line of text at the front: "good source of vitamins and minerals!" A simple tactic to distract careless buyers from daring to read the nutrition facts on the back and find the dark secrets buried just below the surface...

by Inlovewithabsol February 1, 2024

Dream priming

A psychological technique that can increase dream recall rates over time, useful for healing from depression or trauma. Dream priming involves saying to yourself out loud before you go to sleep something along the lines of "If I have an epiphany during my dreams, I will wake up before my mind forgets the dream so I can ponder it more thoroughly."

To escape the confines of your mind, you must first listen to your heart. The mind may need to relearn this ability in typical cases of post-traumatic depression, which is where dreams come in significantly handy. While dreaming, the mind is truly able to wander free without being stifled by conscious thought. However, dreams are naturally forgotten in the course of natural awakening from sleep. Dreams are only remembered upon awakening when one awakens before their dreams can be naturally discarded from memory. As such, one must make an intentional effort to recall their dreams in order to make the best use of them. Dream priming is an excellent way to accomplish this, though it does take a certain degree of practice to master such a skill.

The most basic way to prime your subconscious for this dream recording process is to give yourself verbal instructions before going to sleep. "To escape the confines of my mind, I must first listen to my heart. If my dreams present a worthy path for me to take, or an epiphany worth contemplating further, I will awaken before my mind can discard the memory." Any variation of such a phrase can suffice as long as it is relatively cogent and spoken out loud to maximize mental retention rates.

by Inlovewithabsol May 19, 2024


Acronym: "No Judgement, no Reservations, no Abuse." Acts as the equivalent of the Hippocratic oath for mental health professionals or anyone offering counseling in an interpersonal or professional context. Each part of the acronym has its own specific meaning:
- No judgement: Any NJRA counseling offered will be free of personal judgement, aside from any explicitly requested analyses of a given situation that would necessitate it.
- No reservations: Any NJRA counseling offered will be unbiased and unassuming beyond established context and clarifications made. Help should be offered without discrimination.
- No abuse: Any personal knowledge gleaned through NJRA counseling will be maintained in confidence and not be abused for the purposes of blackmail, rumor spreading, or other negligent social behavior.

Person 1: "You wanna talk about it?"
Person 2: "Eh... I dunno..."
Person 1: "No sweat, pal. NJRA."
Person 2: "Huh?"
Person 1: "It's a counselor's term; no judgement, no reservations, no abuse. Period."
Person 2: "That's... oddly reassuring. Heh."
Person 1: "Of course. What's weighing you down, friend?"

by Inlovewithabsol June 21, 2023


A niche VR air combat game developed by Indie developer Boundless Dynamics. Involves interacting with simulated buttons and switches in the cockpit via haptics-based controller interaction. Highly popular among VR users on Steam.

I've been playing lots of VTOL VR lately. Its control setup is absolutely genius!

by Inlovewithabsol November 7, 2022


An individual who validates the stereotypes of their associated group/community, usually in a negative way. Initially adopted by furries to describe individuals with behaviors unbecoming of their fandom, such as racism and pedophilia.

user 1: "yeah, user 3 got banned yesterday"
user 2: "holy fuck why"
user 1: "he was being very hateful to some of the server's minority users"
user 2: "what a fucking bulldog; good riddance"

by Inlovewithabsol January 4, 2023


1. The study of paranormal entities, such as ghosts. Commonly used in fiction.
2. A type of front-line psychology involving heavy retrospect and scientific thought. Commonly employed by individuals with depression and anxiety, either supplementing or in lieu of professional psychiatric care.

1. I've been handling ghost-hunting for years now, so I've got a pretty good grasp on parapsychology. Did you know that what was previously considered spectral ectoplasm... goes on tangent
2. I'm tired of my psychology getting in the way of me living my life, so I've been doing some pretty heavy parapsychology lately, trying to get to the core of the issues I've been having.

by Inlovewithabsol December 15, 2023


Acronym: "Free Of Charge, No Strings Attached". Refers to a service that is provided for free and on no explicit conditions, typically in an interpersonal context.

When I was bedridden recovering from my abdominal surgery, my neighbors Natalie and her husband Jacob offered to help handle house chores and cook meals for me. It was all offered FOC/NSA too! I'm glad there's still some kindness left in this world.

by Inlovewithabsol May 23, 2023