Just as a dish is removed from a menu card if it is not ordered, people can be excluded from society. To point out such happening one can use "get ordered" to let a person know before it's too late.
Stupid Kid: "Man, I really like Fortnite!"
Concerned Parent: "GET ORDERED!"
It is a verb derived from the expression: "frame of refrence". it is used to describe a comparison between two levels of a category. One of these two levels is the user's own. With the help of frefrencing, the user is allowed to create a relative distance as a path to a greater goal and thus motivator.
Nihilist: "Everything is meaningless."
Average Freferencer: "Bro, just freference a little."
Not so much Nihilist no more: "Damn you right man, thanks!"
The curse of being stuck at the first peak of the "Dunning kruger Effect" diagram. It's the irony brought to us by the overly confident and eternally stupid.
A unintelligent person: "I'm not sophomanic, I'm just incredibly intelligent."