Namake is a new generation anime focusing a continuation of Boruto, Hense the name "Namake: Boruto Next Generations" It focuses on the 2 main characters, Namake and Soren, with their sensei, Boruto, and the main antagonist, Andromeda, who takes all the sharingans of previous users, Namake is born when Naruto And Sasuke are at war, when in such an intense situation where Naruto and Sasuke put their DNA into a machine creating Namake, 10 years later, Naruto and Sasuke create Madato.
Person 1: You watch Namake?
Person 2: Yeah it's so sick!
A small YouTube/Tiktok content creator, who mainly posts Roblox and editing videos on his Tiktok and YouTube.
Person1: Do you know who bashupcups is?
Person2: Isn't he that YouTube and Tiktok Content Creator?
Person1: Yeah!