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non-human intelligence

"Non-human intelligence," or NHI, is a term commonly found in Ufology, and has no direct relationship with the computer science term "artificial intelligence," or A.I. Instead, the term "non-human intelligence" is used by ufologists to denote non-human entities of potentially (but not always) non-Earth origins (i.e., extraterrestrials) who clearly possess intelligence and technological sophistication. The term is also extended to any robots or androids or drones or A.I.s who either accompany or assist the primary (and presumably biologic) intelligences. Such robots or androids or drones or A.I.s who accompany the primary intelligences are also called "exotic technology" or "non-human technology" or even "non-human A.I." The craft or ships or vehicles in which the intelligences travel (in the accompaniment of their robots, and androids, etc.,) are called "exotic technical craft of non-human origin" or just "non-human craft."

The most important criteria needed before any technology can be called "non-human" is that it must be determined with utter confidence that the technology is not merely a specimen of top secret tech from either the US military or a foreign military such as China or Russia. Once it's been firmly demonstrated that "it isn't ours, and it isn't theirs either," only then can it be officially dubbed "of non-human origin."

The Pentagon denies that they have been in contact with non-human intelligences for many decades now. But the myriad government warehouses full of crashed UFOs and exotic materials indicate otherwise.

by Innocent Byproduct June 12, 2023

breakaway civilization

A term first coined by UFO researcher, Richard Dolan, back in 2010. The term is his description of a particularly wealthy and powerful sub-set of the human race whom he believes have been secretly amassing for themselves exotic and highly advanced technology. Via this hoarding of high tech for themselves (and by keeping it from the rest of the world) these highly-placed elites actually live secret, hidden lives of extreme opulence and leisure. He has even postulated that via this advanced tech, they have built separate cities for themselves, located ether in remote places (such as underground, or on the ocean floor, or within the mountains of Antarctica, etc), or even off world.

The 2013 Matt Damon movie "Elysium" had a similar premise involving a massive, self-sustaining city that orbited the Earth and was the exclusive domain of the very wealthy. The only difference here is that in the movie "Elysium," the titular orbital city was not a secret, but rather its existence was fully known about by all peoples of Earth who could clearly see it orbiting overhead. The city was merely inaccessible to anyone who was not a wealthy elite.

The wealthy elites of the world have built for themselves a breakaway civilization, separate from the rest of the unwashed masse, where they enjoy technology far advanced from what we currently have.

by Innocent Byproduct January 10, 2021


In Ufology, “transmedium” describes any craft (any UFO) which is spotted while in flight passing from the air and into the water, or else from water into air. Once the UFO is in the water, it is then classified as a USO, or an Unidentified Submerged Object. Conceivably, a transmedium craft can (by definition) likewise pass from the air and into outer space, and also pass through other permeable substances as lava, mud, or sand. However, virtually 100% of all accounts of transmedium behavior have described transmedium craft as passing back and forth between air and water.

Witnesses who have seen transmedium craft passing from air to water and (vice versa) universally claim the craft they saw made the transition from one medium to the other smoothly, seamlessly (neither accelerating nor decelerating), and exhibited no degree of compensation or recalibration to its velocity or trajectory.

The passengers on the yacht all looked up and beheld a UFO flying across the sky above the open sea. It seemed at first to the onlookers to be heading downward into what they assumed would be a controlled crash or a water landing. But then they saw the UFO pierce the water and disappear beneath the surface, proving itself to be a transmedium craft.

by Innocent Byproduct June 26, 2023

E.R. Car

The term "E.R. Car" is used to illustrate how much money a trip to a local hospital emergency room (local E.R.) will cost. So if the typical price of a car runs anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 for a used car, and then anywhere from $30, 000 to $70,000 for a new car, then it is not unreasonable, in today's American healthcare environment, to equate the price of one car to the cost of one emergency room visit.

A similar term is "E.R. House," used to describe the cost of emergency room care for a truly catastrophic medical situation where the price of just one emergency room visit equates to the price of a buying a house.

"I got taken to the emergency room in an ambulance, and after all the x-Rays, all the blood work, all the CT scans and after consulting with four different specialists, the emergency room sent me home and then billed me for over $45,000. That was my first ever E.R. Car in my whole life, and I hope it was my last."

by Innocent Byproduct March 3, 2024

Lean Mass Hyper-Responder

The term "lean mass hyper-responder" was coined by software engineer David Feldman on July 3, 2017 while posting in his low-carb diet blog: "Cholesterol Code." The blog post called "Are you a Lean Mass Hyper-responder?" quickly circulated through the low-carb community.

As background, the original term "hyper-responder" was already used by dietary professionals for years prior to Feldman's blog post. And in dietary literature, a "hyper-responder" is someone who adopts a low-carb diet, then experiences dramatic cholesterol elevation. So when Feldman wrote his 2017 blog article, he co-opted "hyper-responder," and crafted his new term "lean mass hyper-responder" to describe what he believes is a metabolically unique sub-set of all hyper-responders. Specifically, some hyper-responders begin a low-carb diet while already in possession of a very lean body mass. And yet in spite of this, they still --quite counter-intuitively-- respond with extreme cholesterol elevation. Additionally, these subjects experience a marked decrease in triglycerides, while exhibiting excellent metabolic health. The entire phenomenon defied a long-standing metabolic theory called "The Lipid Energy Model," presenting a scientific conundrum for Feldman.

Feldman believed that all this was a significant observation worth exploring. And his efforts eventually led to a 2023 research project called "The Lean Mass Hyper-Responder Study" led by Dr. Matthew Budoff and Dr. Nicholas Norwitz at Lundquist, UCLA.

IN A SENTENCE: "Steve has always been a tall, skinny, beanpole of a guy. And then when he went on the carnivore diet, he was still skinny, but his cholesterol went through the roof. His doc said that overall he's pretty healthy, so he might just be a lean mass hyper-responder."

by Innocent Byproduct December 13, 2023

non-human biologics

In ufology, "non-human biologics" is a term employed by military contractor engaged in crash retrieval, storage, and study of downed UFOs. The term refers to any living (or no longer living) creatures, plants, and microbes discovered in a retrieved UFO. The term usually refers to the presumed pilots of the craft, but actually any living material can be a biologic. The term is critical for the systematic itemization and cataloging of all pieces of debris retrieved from a crash site.

UFO insiders claim that some of the non-human pilots recovered (dead or alive) from crashed UFOs have proven to be what are called "biologic robots," which are basically machines with living flesh incorporated into their construction. Those robots get included in the category of "non-human biologics" by the crash retrieval teams as they sift through the wreckage and start separating and packaging the debris for transport and storage. The two main categories for itemizing each crash site fragment start off as "biologic" and "non-biologic." And from there, myriad sub-categories include such labels as "exotic materials," and "non-human intelligence," to name just a few.

This classification is necessary since all biological material (dead or alive) needs to be subject to preservation efforts (such as climate controlled transport and storage), and also needs to handled with HAZMAT levels of caution to shield the human members of crash retrieval teams from contamination by any incidental pathogens.

The crash retrieval team arrived at the debris field of a crashed UFO and found several non-human biologics in and around the crash site. Most of the non-human biologics were dead, but one was still very much alive, but seriously injured.

by Innocent Byproduct July 27, 2023

Gollem-Class AI

A term coined in March 2023 by Silicon Valley engineers, Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, to describe a new and emerging class of Artificial Intelligence: "Generative Large Language Multi-Modal Model," or GLLMM ("Gollem" for short). This new class of AI uses predictive algorithms to creatively generate new and original output, including music, artwork, poems, etc.

The word comes from a creature in ancient Jewish folklore called the "golem," a clay sculpture brought to life by magic, and employed as a helper of the Jewish people. But the golem always had the potential to turn against its masters. The legend aptly captures the precarious extremes of societally-benefitting good and existential evil presented by this new AI.

They introduced the term in their March 2023 video lecture "The A.I. Dilemma." Their main thesis was to compare this new and emerging AI with the established dangers of "societal entanglement" that older AI technology has already achieved via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. They explained that first generation of AI --called "curation AI"-- has both helpful and harmful impacts on society. And now this next generation of AI --called "creation AI"-- has even greater potential to be even more helpful and even more harmful. They are calling for legislation to control the usage of all forms of the new Gollem-Class AI before it become so deeply embedded in the workings of society that its inevitable entanglement can't ever be untangled.

Because Chat GPT and Bard are both predictive-language programs, capable of generating entirely original works of creativity, they fall under the umbrella of what Harris and Raskin are now calling "Gollem-Class AIs."

by Innocent Byproduct April 24, 2023