Source Code

dope ass

Someone who has had so much dope they are willing to commit extreme sexual acts/crimes

That dope ass Brian was so high he raped a 6-year-old girl and her 17-year-old babysitter.

by Insane Enlightment June 22, 2004

15👍 110👎


A term for LOL (meaning 'laugh out loud' in chat-speak), usually typed by mindless ditzes who can't speak right.

QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: n i wuz lyke 'ur a total bytch' n she wuz lyke 'u da bytch u slutty hoebag' n i wuz lyke 'fuc u, ur bf is a muthafucca n he dun lyke u so shut da fuc up bytch' n she wox away cuz she aint got nuttin 2 say 2 me! she a hoe wit no comebax!
AbErCrOmBiEhOn121: LoLz!!!1 ur lyke soooo rite, shes lyke such a hoe bag! but i luv u, ur 2 good 2 b 4gotn!
QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: lolz!!1 i luv u 2! lez go shoppin!
AbErCrOmBiEhOn121: aight honee lemme juss get mah REEL coach bag
QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: shut da fuc up slut!
QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: lolz! jkjk!
AbErCrOmNiEhOn121: lolz!!!

Yeah you get my point...

by Insane Enlightment June 22, 2004

1918👍 1129👎


1)A "gangsta" or "wanksta" way to say 'cool'

2)A way to call a bluff (gansta/wanksta)

1)Dude! Your new car is gellin, bro!

2)Mike: Man, you look like a turd. Your bling sucks, and your clothes aint worth a dime fo sho.
David: Dude, you're so not gellin. I kick ass.

by Insane Enlightment June 22, 2004

23👍 53👎


A large, lovable hug online

see huggles

unDeadepidemic: i love you kateeee!
kitiix: aww i love you too mikey ::boogles::

by Insane Enlightment July 23, 2004

90👍 64👎