is cracked at eating out your mum and will slam charliesindenil in vanguard and is pro and will make campers be ashamed hes the camping god
Anne Meriam is a very amazing very clothed individual and happens to be not like other girls and thinks she's the best. She likes to think that she is rich and likes spending money on stupid expensive sweaters. She has a rat that lives under her bed that eats crackers and under-bed clothes. A lot of the time she gets in moods and likes to ignore and be mean
An absolute beauty of an operator in rainbow six siege when i roll up on defence with my mute elite i feel confident that i'm going to clutch a 1 v 5 but some people are haters and can't handle the heat of my M950A1 shotgun
Mute R6 is the best
insane at cod and also at siege can easily beat the thingsbjj cuz he bad at game also ghosty is a carried plat that is really gold 2 -1 in siege
GHOSTYORANGE600 is a goat
In the game of siege the plat 3 is very cocky and will most likely wide swing every chance they get they say they can get to diamond the same season but probably can't but there's always that diamond/champion smurf that carries with 15 kills if on console they'll always complain about m and k but really it's just a guy with a high sens also there's the carried gold that is really a g2 or g1 that drops 3 or 4 kills but never actually that much
Plat 3 is the most cocky rank in rainbow 6 siege