Source Code


Something so horrendous, no swear word will do.... like Gibson's mom.



by InsaneFox January 18, 2005

7👍 2👎


2. A word used to discribe misplaced or random anger/hate...

"Did you see that guy? He was all like rawr in your face!!!"

by InsaneFox December 10, 2004

52👍 74👎


A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons. A real troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread.

Trolls are people who flame the posters themselves, they flame because of rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect.

Trolls MUST NOT be confused with Flamers, who attack threads based on thier content or lack thereof.

inuyasha8497493745: "I like to watch InuYasha because it's a great show."

Troll: "You suck newbie! Why don't you just shut your damned mouth!?!"

Flamer: "InuYasha sucks... the anime is pooly drawn..... ect."

by InsaneFox December 12, 2004

80👍 157👎


2. A newbie, somebody who says Lol! Omg! Wtf? ASL? ect.... on a message forum.

3. The protector of M n' Ms. It is Rofflecopter's goal to deliver the M n' Ms to the masses of the world.

Like Omg! Lol! Lol! I'm a newbie! Lol! Lol! I'm gonna get your M n' Ms! Lol! Omg!

by InsaneFox December 10, 2004

111👍 94👎


A poster on a message forum who generally create threads in order to explain what it is that he/she hates. Or to post in others' threads of a similar type to offer a supportave/contradictory view on the matter.

Ranters are people who tend to post mainly in folders of message forums that deal with hate messaging.... i.e. the 'Rants' Secion of the Adultswim Message Boards.
Though Ranters shouldn't be generalized as Flamers or Trolls, they can be both.

"I hate this show because........"

".... I disagree with your opinion... blah blah blah."

by InsaneFox December 12, 2004

16👍 7👎


A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons. A real Flamer usually attacks threads because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread or the lack thereof. The difference between a Flamer and somebody who merely disagrees is that a flamer is inappropriate in their responces.

They must not be confused with Trolls.

Trolls are people who flame the posters themselves, they flame because of rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect.

RandomNewbie: Lyke, Im all for aborshun an stuff, butt I dont like et wen da baybez dye.

Flamer: Pssh, that's stupid, you obviously know nothing of abortion, idiot.

Troll: OMG! Why don't you learn how to spell you stupid f***ing newbie!?!

by InsaneFox January 21, 2005

579👍 297👎


When you make up a word to insult someone.

"Shut up you flitnan!"

"That's not even a real word! Stop geeming!"

by InsaneFox March 8, 2024