InSight is one of the best players in a game called "Critical Ops". He's too good for this shitty game and drop every match 30+
InSight is just too good for the whole critical ops scene
InSight is one of the best players in a game called "Critical Ops". He is carrying his whole team in every match and dropping 30+ in every game. He is just too good.
InSight is 2 fucking OP for the whole critical ops scene.
InSight is one of the best players in a game called "Critical Ops". He's just too good for yall. Dropping every game 30+ and is too op for the whole critical ops scene.
InSight aka Resul is the best player in Critical Ops. InSightcriticalops
InSight is a professional player in a game called Critical ops. He is carrying every game and his yarrak is 31cm. He need a 17yo egirl so dm him fast or he will be taken. InSight2op
InSight herkesin anasını siker sikik