An actress. She was in Captain Marvel, playing the titular character. People really hate her for some weird reason.
"Bruh, that's the 50th time TODAY that you've bitched and moaned about Brie Larson! She lives rent free in your head; watch something else!"
"NO! I have to hate Brie Larson 24/7 or I'll DIE!"
"Wow, what a loser."
A being you shouldn't fear. He'll take you on to a better place when the end comes.
Seasons don't fear the reaper,
nor do the wind, the sun or the rain...
The Danish word for "shit." Well, it was, until a bunch of uneducated morons decided it meant "Before Anyone Else" in reference to their love interest. If they said the word to someone in Denmark, they'd get the "bรยฆ" kicked out of them.
American teen: Hey bae! what's up?
Danish teen: Hvad fanden er der galt med dig, meningslรยธs gris? (What the hell is wrong with you, senseless pig?)
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A vicious creature that lives in the ocean and attacks campers. Here are some rules to follow to prevent attracting these beasts:
1. Don't play the clarinet poorly.
2. Don't wave an active flashlight back and forth. (Flashlights are considered natural prey.)
3. Don't stomp around; they take it as a challenge.
4. Don't eat cheese. (Cubed. Sliced is just fine.)
5. Never wear a sombrero in a goofy fashion.
6. Or clown shoes.
7. Or a hoop skirt.
9. In the event of an attack, do not run. They are agitated by it and will seize the opportunity to attack again.
10. Do not limp, either. They hate that even more than running.
In the event you detect a nearby sea bear, or otherwise feel unsure you are located in sea bear territory, draw a perfect circle in the sand, sit in the middle, and wait for the danger to pass. An oval is not sufficient.
Whether or not the sea bear exists is up for debate, as only one person is known to have survived a sea bear attack. (Witnesses claim he was incompetent enough to try all known ways to attract a sea bear.)
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An object used in Canadian military forces to haze rookies assigned to their first duty unit. For example-
"Private, go get a brass magnet."
"What for, sir?"
"Eases the collection of spent 'munition casings."
"On it, sir"
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somebody who looks up this word in a dictionary.
You're a special kind of dumb, aren't ya?
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