The moment of disappointment when you think you found a parking spot in a full lot but it turns out there was just a short car/motorcycle in the spot.
Ugh, what a spottease â I was so sure that spot was free!
The money one earns while taking a poop at work.
I earned at least a couple of brownbacks taking a shit today. Feels good manâ¦
Hangry is when you are hungry and angry at the same time.
I'm so hangry!
The phenomenon of glancing at an analog clock and seeing the second hand seems to take one really long tick and then resume normal ticking. This can happen with other blinking or switching things as well.
Was that Saccadic Chronostasis?
The little line of dust you canât ever quite sweep up with the broom and dustpan.
Dude donât bother sweeping anymore, youâre about to hit the dust horizon
The choice between two equally boring outcomes.
How am I supposed to pick one of these boring outcomes, what a dullema!
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That moment when you repeat a word many times to the point it has no meaning and it feels odd to pronounce it.
Oh no, what a Semantic Satiation...