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Coddiwomple (v.) To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination

Lets coddiwomple over to the River or market.

by Intonation Zzz January 6, 2017

108👍 5👎


(Noun) Informal - South African slang, meaning idiot, fool, nitwit.
Colloquially amongst friends can be akin to calling someone a Dork.
Can also be used in Afrikaans.

Being kicked out of class, made you look like such a Chop *laughing*
You were a complete chop, pushing Jimmy into the pool, with his cell phone in his pocket smh.

by Intonation Zzz March 4, 2018

14👍 4👎


(South African) sweet, as in delicacy.
((Slang) Verb) Elegantly Satiating, used in the same context as "Wicked" or "Awesome"
(Adjective) Elegantly Satiated.

I feel Lekker (on top of the world Content), this music is Lekker Awesome; He/she is a Lekker Oke ( (Person) Genuine Sincere)); Cold Beer on a hot, dry day is Lekker Gratifying;

by Intonation Zzz May 29, 2017


Snowflake millennials that are keyboard Warriors

Insufferable, Self important Fashion Designer refusing to dress 1st Lady, yet cries out vociferously against a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding epitomizes bigoted passive aggression & being a webtard

by Intonation Zzz November 19, 2016

2👍 6👎