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Shopping under the influence, generally done during the holiday season to make the whole experience more tolerable. Men especially partake in this practice on December 24th.

"Dude go shopping with me." "No way - i'm not going anywhere near a mall this time of year." "Come on - we'll do it SUI style. It'll be fun!"

by Irish Goddess December 21, 2009

2👍 6👎


n. the misconception while under the influence of alcohol that one can engage in physical exercises that demonstrate strength, balance, body control, or artistic dexterity.

"she nearly broke her neck attempting some drunknastics at the party last night."

by Irish Goddess August 26, 2008

Convenience Coma

Excuse you use so you don't have to deal w/ what you did when you were drunk even though you DO remember.

Felix was talking about the night one minute and next he was totally crying convenience coma.

by Irish Goddess January 11, 2011


adj. the inability to use t9 (predictive text). t9 was designed to make typing text messages easier; however, the user must be smarter than the phone for feature to work properly. t-tardedness is enhanced with alcohol consumption.

"dude - do you ever read your nonsense texts before pressing the send button? you're totally t-tarded!"

by Irish Goddess August 26, 2008