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mac attack

The feeling you get AFTER eating food from McDonalds.

1. Dude, I hope you have a change of shorts for me... I feel a mac attack coming on

by IrishCreem March 27, 2007

15👍 45👎

power slide

a. The act of a rockstar sliding accross the stage on his/her knees. (Usually accompanied by a powerful scream)

b. The single most powerful weapon in any rocker's arsenal.

Dude, check out that massive powerslide! He totally rocked that stage!

Damn Frederick, that powerslide was the pinnacle of that rockshow performance.

Person one: What can we do to make our band better?
Person two: Bust out the power slide. It's the single most powerful weapon in any rocker's arsenal.
Person one: Yea man, this is why we keep you in the band!

by IrishCreem November 21, 2006

58👍 28👎

Rules of Acquisition

A numbered series of aphorisms, guidelines, and principles that provided the foundation of business philosophy in Ferengi culture. There are at least 285 of them.

Some examples of Rules of Acquisition include:

Rule of Acquisition #22: A wise man can hear profit in the wind

Rule of Acquisition #34: War is good for business

Rule of Acquisition #47: Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own

Rule of Acquisition #98: Every man has his price

by IrishCreem January 15, 2019

Yarp Yarp

Yarp Yarp (or Specimen Yarp) is an abomination created from a freak incident involving a spider, a hammer, a basketball and a bathtub. Formerly known as Kenny Hotz, this creature is an untamed beast that can only be controlled by being fed used tampons.

You don't fuck with Yarp Yarp!

Yarp Yarp: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

by IrishCreem July 19, 2010

149👍 26👎