1. To acknowledge and to take responsibility for your own actions.
2. Don't blame others for your own mistakes, problems, or issues when you know it is your fault and not anyone elses. If it is someone elses fault that you are in a situation or predicament then do the best you can to deal with it.
3. Some people say it means not to cry; that is incorrect. We all have feelings; to deny them is to lie to yourself and others, "MAN UP" and deal with it. If you don't you only cause yourself physical, mental, psychological, emotional, and spiritual damage; and you also affect those around you in a negative way as you take it out on them, instead of dealing with it properly. EX: Jesus was a Man among men; he didn't "cry" He "wept tears of blood." He went to the cross, He manned up for things that were not His own.
Even if you are not a Christian/Believer you can surely admit that Jesus was not a wimp, coward, or a liar - He said it, and did it.
1. He did the right thing, he went back and (man up) told his boss the truth and accepted the consequences instead of letting his co-worker take the fall for it.
2. She accepted (man up)responsibility for the accident and told her Mom that she is the one who broke the antique.
3. I felt so sorry for the sobbing man. His immediate family died in a tragic head-on car accident because someone else was drinking and driving. Overall he is dealing with it the best that he can - he is letting it all out (man up), mourning as he should. He sure does have the right to do so.
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4. It also means for a workplace, or corporation to deal with, take care of, and help those people that they have caused hurt, damage, and/or injury to.
5. It can also refer to respecting someone enough to go talk to them, apologize, do what's right when it is the right time to do so.
4. The opposite would be the company fighting you in court with expensive, fancy lawyers who's sole responsibility is to twist situations/blame and/or to lie for and protect the company or organization that harmed the person(s) sitting at the other side of the table, hurt for the rest of their life. When someone does this all for money; it's NOT manning up - it's the farthest thing from it. It's all about doing the right thing... and this is not it.
5. The boss had no idea who had dinged up the car door. But she went to her boss and told her boss that it was she that accidentally dinged up the new Porsche. She is admirable for (man up) her responsibility, and she gained a lot of credibility with her boss too. She asked for forgiveness, and all is fine & well now between them. I think it may have started a new friendship between them, just because she owned up (man up) to it.
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1. A "Texto-motive" is what a "Chain texter" drives to and from here and there. They THINK it is just another mobile device to be used to get a signal for texting. It is really a car, a truck, an SUV, a Semi, a Humvee, whatever... But they are so much of a text addict that they think of it as only another place to text.
2. "Text-o-mobiles" are the equivalent to a text-o-motive vehicle.
1. Man! If you paid as much attention to your driving as you do to your darn phone, your points wouldnt cost you so much per car insurance payment, b/c you wouldnt have so many accidents - you "Text addict'!
2. The lady in the left lane sat there FOREVER when there was a green arrow, no matter how much people were honking at her; she thought she owned a "Text-o-motive", or something. How annoying! My wife wanted to get out and give her a proper beat down!
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1. It can mean a slow breaking up process as described above. But my first thought on it would be that a slow dump is one of physical bowel constipation. I guess the two of them can be the same, either way you get crap, neither one is pleasurable, both are painful, you hurt before, while, and after it's going on, and they both stink!
I was broke last week, and all I had left in food stamps was enough to buy bread and peanut butter; man was I stuck with the slow dumps all week. I will NEVER do that again! I am gunna but some greens & beans or something next month; this last week jiss about killed me. Thank God it's almost my food stamp pay day!
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1. "Cushy" is a word my brother made up when we were kids, and now it is in the dictionary and on here. AMAZING! To him it referred to the soft and comfortable cushions on our new couch.
1. He said: Man! This sure is cushy! He was referring to the new ultra-comfortable couch that we just got.
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1. When someone or a group of people are cracking up they are laughing hysterically, non-stop, and they might even be laughing so hard that they are crying b/c it is so funny.
Did I tell you what happened the other day? This woman was in the elevator with me and Tom, and she farted. Dude! it was an SBD! You could barely hear it, but I knew it wasn't me, and Tom looked at the lady in front of us - like eeeeeeew! I couldn't wait to get out of that elevator; it was so bad that it burnt the hair in my nostrils! We were cracken up about that all freakin' day! I still can picture her hahahaha! TFF!
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1. A "marijuana minute" can last more than you know, just get busted.... B-durr!
EX: I thought I was just smoken for a "marijuana minute" then the Popo rolled up & busted me. Now I am doin' 30 days in the Slammer before I can go see da Judge. Mary Jane isn't who I wanna dance with anymore, screw that this is my fourth time getten busted in the last six months; they're gunna hang me when I gitt in there.
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