Source Code

Type 4 Algorithm

Unclassified cryptographic algorithm that has been registered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, but is not a Federal Information Processing Standard. NTIA

I don't know who used the TYPE FOUR, in fact, I don't even have a HF receiver.

by IrishrepublicanArmy January 24, 2004


The male sex hormone, (C19H28O2), screted by the testes, that stimulates the devolpment of the male sex organs as well as the male sex drive.

I'm a 16-year old male, and the testosterone is pretty much flooding my brain.

by IrishrepublicanArmy January 2, 2004

638πŸ‘ 278πŸ‘Ž


Section of aircraft especially designed to allow all engine heat and smoke to fill the cockpit.

Good thing my cessna 172 has a firewall....oh crap! the engine is on fire!

by IrishrepublicanArmy December 22, 2003

11πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


see also:
Fairfax High School

my life is filled with bordom, i must go to fairfax high school

by IrishrepublicanArmy November 13, 2003

9πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Dependency Theory

A theory that argues that, due to the exploitative nature of the relationship between advanced capitalist (western) societies and the Third World, the development of the former resulted in the underdevelopment of the latter. Because of its reliance on external sources of demand and investment opportunities, Western capitalism penetrated virtually all parts of the Third World and eventually laid down the foundations of dominance-dependence relationship structures between North and South which tended to engender and perpetuate underdevelopment in the Third World. According to this theory, exchanges between the North and the South, such as trade, foreign investment, and aid, are asymmetric and tend to stifle the development of the latter and to reinforce their dependence. The theory also contends that local elites with vested interest in the structure of dominance and in monopolizing (monopoly) domestic power cooperate with international capitalist elites to perpetuate the international capitalist system.

See also HF allocation, the example.

by IrishrepublicanArmy March 4, 2004

49πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Short for "Radio Telephone Operator"

"RTO" is a military term for a radio operator or a radioman, usally the guy with the manpack PRC-77 or PRC-117 radio on thier back, with large antenna and telephone headset microphone.

"Johnson! get the RTO over here and tell HQ they've got RPGs!

by IrishrepublicanArmy November 7, 2003

81πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The desegnation for the letter 'E' in military/radio/aircraft alphabet

Roger Tango Echo (unit T.E.)
this is foxtrot mike six, engage target and switch to VHF 41.75

by IrishrepublicanArmy October 13, 2003

45πŸ‘ 713πŸ‘Ž