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- A member of a French commune

- The more pejorative definition: an ultra-violent French Marxist faction that arose at the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian war with the sole intent of throwing down the government and creating a proletariat paradise. The end result they sought was a fully state owned infra with high taxes and few freedoms. In this description, a communard is no better then a Trotskyite red; it is a fact that when the reds sought to bring their revolution to the world starting in 1918, France and Bulgaria were the most receptive to their message and as such were guilty of some repugnant actions in the name of Communism. Contrast France's actions with that of Germany or the UK to get a better picture.

"You americans need more government control; the freedom you have is a danger to the world."

"Freedom is a dangerous thing...especially to those who would deny it. Freedom could cause independent thought; can't have that!"

"The french believe in and support their government; they know what is best for their citizens. The high taxes we pay guarantee a working state, with out the dangerous freedoms you americans have!

(Middle finger gesture) Spoken like a true filthy Communard; shove your red faction bullshit up your ass!

by IronBrand December 8, 2006

29πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Chamberlain Mentality

A leader or a leader of a collective group with a thinking process similar to that of Neville Chamberlain who stated "We have achieved peace for our time." Unfortunately he did not, as the guns erupted again across Europe 1 September 1939. In clnclusion, a very dangerous and delusionary mindset.

The declaration of the current House Speaker that we can simply leave Iraq quickly and En Masse without paying for it down the road (a more massive war at a later date) is evidence that there is a serious issue regarding a Chamberlain Mentality.

by IronBrand January 27, 2007

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

schiavo vt. to schiavo


Despite the overall physical condition of Terry Schiavo, Randall Terry pro-life decided to stick his foot in the matter and screamed to the press how Terry was being murdered by the State. Even though the now politicized matter was punted to the judiciary, the damage had already been done; this bi-partisan slimy football will figure in the elections of '06 and '08. Therefore, the definition follows

Any attempt to subvert and negate base spousal rights through whatever means available, whether they are political or religion based, to further your own agenda, without regard to the person or persons so affected or the existence under which they presently dwell.

Insistence of accepting only the facts of a situation that fit your paradigm, ignoring any anomalies that may impugn the aforementioned so as to further the above.

Senator, the 23 strokes have left the patient brain dead. What shall we do?

Find a way to schiavo them.......and make sure you can blame someone else....it will make for good press coverage so we can get more free name recognition for the next election!

by IronBrand April 4, 2005

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The fabled ( or maybe not so fabled) land where the Donkeys reign (Democrats) This is as scary a place as Liberaland for many of the same reasons. Where as Liberaland is the thought process, Donkistan is the theoretical place of its existence. The leaders of Donkistan are dedicated to voiding the Second Amendment and allowing government to grow until their idea of nirvana is reached: 110% Taxation

Another bill to restrict the rights of law abiding firearms possessors......this crap is straight out of Donkistan!

In Donkistan, the government must protect you from yourself because in their eyes, you are incapable of doing so.

by IronBrand August 9, 2006

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž



Bill Clinton was a Unique President...in many ways....so his legacy follows.


To deliberately attempt to obfuscate or muddy the waters regarding an affirmation that is in essence arbitrary in nature.

You are a LIAR!

Define 'lie'?

Do not Clintonize the matter! (Lying is for the most part an arbitrary action: you lied or you did not lie)

by IronBrand April 4, 2005

23πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Dipping The Wench - A pirate term for what the shipmates want to do after being stuck at sea for so long.

Eight months at see tis the tavern for me!
I'll show 'er me gold then I'll dench 'til I'm cold!

by IronBrand June 25, 2006

204πŸ‘ 484πŸ‘Ž


"In geo-politics, there are no real friends or enemies, only friendly enemies or hostile friends" - Unknown -

The very dynamic theory of politics not between people or peoples of a region, but of the regions themselves. They can be as relatively simple as the 50 States of the USA and the Federal Government of that same entity to the highly complicated, such as the oil-producing Gulf States or the former USSR's constituent countries. Geo-Political relationships can also range from the fully justified to what would appear to be morally repugnant, but the actions themselves are purely neutral; the results of the actions are what should be subject to judgement calls.

Geo-Politics is in a constant state of flux depending on a lot of factors, from who holds the power to who has the resources to support an action. Some noted examples:

The USA allying with the USSR in WW II ( Germany was at the time a far bigger menace. Needless to say, the USSR's ideology would be eternally at conflict with ours.)

The Cold War that followed WW II was classic Geo-Politics at its best. Due to MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) ideology, there was no safe way the US and USSR could directly confront each other. So came the period of Tinpot Dictators supported by both sides and at least two major proxy wars ( Korea & Vietnam). The support to these oft times vicious and repressive regimes was concerned with controlling as much of the world as possible versus tending to the individuals needs in those countries.

With the fall of the Shah and the ascendancy of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran posed a serious threat to Gulf stability. Though at no time would Saddam have been considered a friend, his military could serve to defuse the potential Iranian flashpoint. As such he was aided in his war with Iran (1981-1988). The two countries laid waste to each other, leaving the rest of the gulf in relative peace.

One of the most important geo-political happening in the present day is once again the Gulf states. By no means should the Shiekhs' of theose countries be called our friends; Islamic Shari'a law is in conflict with much of what the US Republic holds dear, and there are factions within those countries that would like to see the USA destoyed. But as long as they are in power though, they represent a stable supplier of a needed world economic commodity (Oil). As long as this is a needed commodity, do not expect too much change from that region. Iran also is once more a potential flashpoint in the region, nuclear ambitions aside.

Israel is not necessarily our friend either, though at least society-wise Christianity sprang from Judaism and politics-wise a Parliament ( Knesset) is closer to our Congress then Shari'a law. Even though that is the case, Israel still has its own agenda ( A safe haven for those of Hebraic descent), and at times they do not always work in the best interest of the USA. They have been overly heavy-handed at times, even if they also have made attempts to settle the mater using detente.

A full discourse on this topic would take up one book if not several; this is perhaps a basic definition of the term to perhaps invoke more independent research from the reader.

by IronBrand January 27, 2007

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž