a couple were the man is a WIGGA and the woman is a hungarian tapdancer
COOL GUY: Yo Stephen check it out Anita is dancing to Wes rapping isn't that crazy?
Stephen: Yeah cool guy thats whack man. but can't you just since the tapdancinggangstalove.
COOL GUY: yeah actually i can. dang thats crazy.
4👍 6👎
A true gangsta and pimp who lives on drurberrylane
COOL GUY: Yo gangsta wat up dog, how's you be's trippin'
Muffin Man: Man notin much sept I's just be's chillin wit my new hoe ya dig?
7👍 36👎
to act greedy in a certtain matter
(1 PERSON)Hey man can I get some gum ?
(1 PERSON) you shysty
52👍 20👎
a person who constantly picks at their lips so often that they many scars on their lips.
COOL GUY: dang Stephen look at Susan she just stopped right in the middle of the lap and is now picking her lip
Stephen: dang COOL GUY she is such a lippicker
sorry for the first defenition spelling error it means to say that they get many scars