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Christian Hernandez

A dude who loves to eat paper and watch a ton of porn

Look at that guy eating paper, who is he? Christian Hernandez

by Isis34645747486547 May 12, 2019

Tommy Velez

Someone who prefers little girls over ones his age. Usually found working at movie theaters

Bro look at that guy, he only dates underclassmen. He’s such a Tommy Velez!

by Isis34645747486547 May 12, 2019


Fear of Hillary Clinton.

I have Clintaphobia.

by Isis34645747486547 November 29, 2016

sky fox

A complete moron who’s addicted to movies and video games. He’s a person to cry in a movie theater. They usually have an attraction to Native Americans.

Omg he’s acting like such a sky fox.

by Isis34645747486547 May 10, 2019

Andres Cubillos

Someone who lets their girlfriend boss them around like a complete bitch. They are frequently horny.

Looks at that chick beating her man. Yeah he’s Andres Cubillos.

by Isis34645747486547 May 12, 2019

Zackary Hagerty

A guy thats funny but only underage girls and one gay guy wants to bang him. Can be found doing speed in his car.

That poor guy he keeps attracting that gay kid. Well he is Zackary Hagerty.

by Isis34645747486547 May 12, 2019

Patrick Leary

Someone who loves pretzels and hoagies. They also love Philly for some stupid reason.

Wow that guy is such a patrick leary

by Isis34645747486547 May 10, 2019