Source Code

Bastard marks

1.) When you take your moms car (usually automatic and front wheel drive) and drive in y our back yard on the lawn after your dad had spent hours mowing. You come to a stop at one end and put it in nuetral. You rev the motor loud and high and drop it into gear, you proceed to tear up the grass leaving long brown streaks of dirt and continue untill tire spinning stops, you then pull over and measure the marks by walking over them and counting your steps, you then compare it to last weeks.

Eric: You ready to do some bastard marks? My mom just left with my dad.
Alex: Aw hell ya!

Corolla: BWaaAaaAAaaAAaaAAAAaaAAaa....
Eric: That was Awesome!!! 93 Feet!!!!
Alex: Thats 3 feet better then last week! YEA!!!!
Erics dad 3 hours later: What the fuck is that in the back yard?
Eric: Like those bastard marks?!?
Erics Dad: *shakes head in dissapointment*
Eric: Oh, you love it! * He then looks at his mom and pushes her* what!? What!? you want some? you want some? ya thats right, what you lookin at?

by Its mE Alex January 10, 2006

22👍 9👎

Bastard marks

1.)When you take your moms car (usually automatic and front wheel drive) and drive in y our back yard on the lawn after your dad had spent hours mowing. You come to a stop at one end and put it in nuetral. You rev the motor loud and high and drop it into gear, you proceed to tear up the grass leaving long brown streaks of dirt and continue untill tire spinning stops, you then pull over and measure the marks by walking over them and counting your steps, you then compare it to last weeks.

Eric: You ready to do some bastard marks? My mom just left with my dad.
Alex: Aw hell ya!

Corolla: BWaaAaaAAaaAAaaAAAAaaAAaa....
Eric: That was Awesome!!! 93 Feet!!!!
Alex: Thats 3 feet better then last week! YEA!!!!
Erics dad 3 hours later: What the fuck is that in the back yard?
Eric: Like those bastard marks?!?
Erics Dad: *shakes head in dissapointment*
Eric: Oh, you love it! * He then looks at his mom and pushes her* what!? What!? you want some? you want some? ya thats right, what you lookin at?

by Its mE Alex January 10, 2006

6👍 5👎

Piss Shack

1.) A place you take a piss, most often an abandoned room in your friends furnished basement, you open the door piss inside it and close the door. You may also deficate in their but it is much more risky. Quite often after about a month or so of you and your friend using this door as a "piss shack" a wretched stench will develope and quite often the father will find this and tape a paper on the door to the room he printed off the computer reading: DO NOT USE THIS AS A BATHROOM!! In huge bold letters.

2.) Also sometimes used to refer to Radio Shack As well as "Crap Shack"

1.) *While Spending the night at Erics, down in the basement*
Alex: Be right back i gotta piss, then im going to bed.
Eric: aiight.
5 mins later while trying to fall asleep:
Alex: *Laughing his balls off because he got some piss on the floor and not all of made it into the room*
Alex: What? *with huge smirk*
Eric: BASTARD! MotherF*CKER my socks are soaked!!!, Your such a bastard!!! *this went on for about 30 minutes*
Alex: *Crying and rolling on the floor with a red face laughing his ass off desperately holding his stomach trying to catch his breath*
Alex: Oh you love it!!!
Eric: *with big smile shaking his head with dissaprovement* Your such a bastard!
Alex: Hey thats the piss shack for ya.

2.) Hey want to go to the piss shack with me? I gotta pick up some fuses.

by Its mE Alex January 10, 2006

19👍 9👎


Streaming is a secret technique used while walking about at your school or at the local mall but can really happen anywhere. Streaming occurs when you and your friends are walking and you begin to let loose a long yet slow, weak, and silent "stream" of gas A.K.A.fart. You attempt to pace it and let it out in a contineous shot rather then all at once. Beware the sound can be quite decieving and may prove deadly at times, especially after a bean borrito. Many believe this word originated because of the fart streaming through everywhere you walk, much like a jet leaves behind a stream of smoke. Beware of the people who may be walking behind you.
Streaming may also be know as Jetting

Alex: God damn that was awesome!!
Eric: what?
Alex: I was streaming a long one!!! hahah sucks for whoever was behind us :-)
Eric: What the hell is streaming?
Alex: I dunno I just made that up, but I'm Definetely throwing it on urbandictionary.com tonight!!! you can read it there!
Eric: Nice hahahha
Alex: BWahahahahahhhh I just streamed again.

by Its mE Alex January 14, 2006

7👍 27👎

pocket bike

A tiny bike that has a small size 2 stroke motor most often 49CC which is 3 Cubic Inches... (0.049 Liter)and some can do up to 50 MPH. most often ridin' by little kid at age 8 and up and sometimes highschool kids in their late teens. It is usually a japanese style sports bike, crotch rocket but can be a chopper as well (often 110cc). Some have working lights, turn signals, electric starts. This bike is also capable of scoring me $1400+ in fines via 7 traffic Violations!
No issurance (Not possible)
Driving with a suspended license (For this? are you an idiot?)
No Registration (has no year, make, model, VIN)
No Helmet
No Headlight (Neither do bicylces)
Riding on public highway (I was riding on the side walk)
Defective Equipment (nothing was defective)
And I was let off with the Loud Exhaust and nose orderance it was a "gift".

Alex: Yo can you come pick me up? i just got pulled over 5 miles from my house, can you come pick me up i got my pocket bike with me,
Friend: What the hell happened? Break?
Alex: No, ****** * **** ***** ** * **** PIG cop pulled me over doing 10 MPH minding my own business on the side walk. $1400+ 7 tickets and gotta walk my bike home.
Friend: thats ****n G*y
Alex: Ya i know... lets get back @ them.

by Its mE Alex January 10, 2006

28👍 16👎