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noun (plural = alphas)

1. the beginning

2. the first letter of the Greek alphabet (A/α)

3. (chemistry) referring to an alpha particle, a neutral Helium-4 particle that results from nuclear decay

4. (astronomy) the brightest star in a constellation


1. dominant

2. (abbr.) alphabetical, e.g. "alpha order" for "alphabetical order"

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." ~Rev 22:13, NIV

by ItsSkyWasTaken September 25, 2022


/ˈjuləblum, juˈɛliblum/

1. a material in Terraria's Calamity Mod, found underground, especially in the jungle, after the defeat of Providence

1. made of uelibloom

"The young adventurer began to forge uelibloom bars for the Tarragon armour set after defeating Providence, the Profaned Goddess."

by ItsSkyWasTaken September 13, 2022



(plural = aces)

1. (golf) a hole-in-one

2. (gaming) a solo victor, especially in FPS games; one who kills all enemy players by themselves

3. (cards) a card with one suite on it; generally ranked highest but sometimes ranks lowest (often distinguished in rules with "Kings are high, and aces are low" when aces are the lowest card, or with "Aces are high" when aces are the highest)

4. one who does not experience sexual attraction towards anyone; short for "asexual"

(3rd person present = aces; past tense = aced; gerund/participle = acing)

1. to get 100% on a test

2. (golf) to get a hole-in-one

3. (gaming) to get an ace in an FPS game

"On his own, he eliminated all of the enemy players by himself, earning him an ace for the round."

by ItsSkyWasTaken May 8, 2022



1. a fairy chess piece that can move any number of unobstructed knight moves in a single direction (Betza = NN); also sometimes called "knightmare"

Example: If a black nightrider is on a1, and b3, c5, and d7 are all unobstructed, the nightrider can go a1-d7. However, if there is a piece on c5, the nightrider cannot go to d7 as it is obstructed by c5 (however, like any other orthodox chess piece, if the obstructing piece is of the opponent, the nightrider can take on c5 from a1, assuming b3 is not occupied).

"If you think the chess knight is a tricky piece, wait until you play with nightriders."

by ItsSkyWasTaken May 7, 2022



1. a female ruler in a monarchy

2. the name of a very popular band

3. (CHESS) a chess piece that can move orthogonally and diagonally, effectively combining the rook and bishop, making it the most powerful piece in orthodox chess (Parlett = n*; Betza = WWFF or Q)

"After a lot of struggling in a losing position, he finally resigned when his queen was captured."

by ItsSkyWasTaken February 21, 2022



(plural = lasers)

1. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Essentially, a powerful type of light, used to point to things in presentations, for playing with cats, and even in some medical procedures.

(3rd person present = lasers, past = lasered, present participle/gerund = lasering)

1. to take something out with a laser, especially a tattoo


1. relating to lasers, especially medical procedures

"Max had his cat run around the house to chase a laser pointer."

by ItsSkyWasTaken September 25, 2022




1. the fifth to last item in a series

"He really had to show off his vocabulary by telling me he wanted the 'propreantepenultimate' entry from that list... he knows it's faster to just say 'fifth-to-last', yes?"

by ItsSkyWasTaken September 25, 2022