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dick dump

When a Male has sex with a female just to have sex. The girl means absolutely nothing.

I've been away at college and haven't gotten any. Now I'm just trying to dick dump.

Used as a title for a song by a rapper named Tight. "Dump that dick off in that ho"

by Izzy AkA Chevy_Hybrid August 30, 2006

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weight man

A drug dealer who deals in large amounts

We having a spot tonight, finna go see the weight man right now.

by Izzy AkA Chevy_Hybrid November 9, 2006

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go live

The act of video recording a sexual act.

EX 1)

guy 1: Man I had these twins over last night!
Guy 2: Did you go live?
guy 1: Yeah, and afterwords we put it on the bigscreen

EX 2) I just met this girl in the club and we finna go live

by Izzy AkA Chevy_Hybrid July 14, 2006

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