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A unit of measurement equivalent to 2.3 inches or a limp Chinaman’s penis.

That little person is a couple Rogans taller than Joe himself

by J Clayton Bearsby June 10, 2019

152👍 43👎

Butt pumping

You know the definition. Sodomy

Rogan and Crowder are insatiable when it comes to butt pumping.

by J Clayton Bearsby June 9, 2019

22👍 17👎


A relentless intelligent person guided by Logos and honor. Someone dedicated to truth, free speech and fighting self-censorship.

That Bear🐻 has mega Logos and will joke about anything. He must be a Bear🐻 because he’s totally not into butt pumping or fancypants.

by J Clayton Bearsby June 9, 2019

16👍 16👎


Someone over 5’8” that loomingly looks down upon small hats and dumpster pumpers.

That heightist was glaring at Joe Rogan when he caught Joe trying to get a quick dumpster pump in with Redban.

by J Clayton Bearsby June 9, 2019

7👍 9👎

Secret King

Someone who values themself and shiny things over truth and Logic. Someone lacking Logos. Most likely into self sodomy and picking up nickels in cornfields.

That secret King is definitely a buttpumper. Did you see the secret King in his fancypants on his rainbow roller skates?

by J Clayton Bearsby June 9, 2019

41👍 33👎

Clipped dick

Circumcised, mangle-wanged

That clipped dick small hat and his sodomy sword. That niggardly small hat used a groupon for his clipped dick

by J Clayton Bearsby June 9, 2019

5👍 6👎


Truth. Honor. Logic. Morality. Valuing truth and morality above all else.

That fine gentleman was very honest and grounded speaking some OG wisdom with heavy Logos

by J Clayton Bearsby June 9, 2019

54👍 26👎