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Drunken Failure

This refers to when you're out drinking with a girl until she gets extremely wasted, than you go home and try to make a move or get her in the bed, but she completly rejects your ass and leaves.

Guy: wow, i totally got rejected by this hammered chick last night...

Guy #2: shit dude tough break. that is a gigantic Drunken Failure.

by J to the gangsta G skillet August 26, 2010

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This occurs when you're listening to a band you think is awesome, look them up, than get dissapointed by discovering they are a full out Christian band.

Joey: yo i was listening to this amazing band, but their die hard Christians so i don't really like them anymore.

Greg: Ha, looks like someone made a Christovery.

by J to the gangsta G skillet August 26, 2010


A term used in the TV show Scrubs to describe the language and arrogance of Dr. Cox; a character played by John C. Mcginley

Carla: Don't let him get to you. He's just using his forever known language of Coxian.

by J to the gangsta G skillet August 26, 2010

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When you float off into your own little world fantasizing, after anybody says something that would cause you to think about in depth. This term is used to relate to the main character of the TV show Scrubs; John Dorian (played by Zach Braff).

J.D.: Where ya goin?

Kim: oh i was just gunna walk around... why, where do you go when you soul search?

(J.D. has a flashback to himself sitting on a girly unicorn named Justin, or in other words Braffing)

J.D.: I go to some place wonderful.

by J to the gangsta G skillet August 26, 2010

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come to fruition

A term used by the comedian Dane Cook as a polite use for the act of ejaculating.

Jack: I saw a hot chick the other day, and I wanted to come to fruition all over her.

Dave: Haha i bet you did!!

by J to the gangsta G skillet August 26, 2010

12👍 4👎

Dookie Fury

When you're in a rush and really have to piss, so you go into the bathroom to do your buisness, but realize you have to take a dump as well; immediately becoming enraged and angry.

Seth: holy crap i have to take a major leak!
Dammit! i gotta shit too. now I'm late and I have Dookie Fury!!!!!!!!

by J to the gangsta G skillet August 26, 2010