Source Code

Macho Man Jump

When playing the game Left 4 Dead on VS. you jump from a high place (top of building) as a hunter and say "OH YEAH" or "SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM MOTHER FUCKER" as you pounce one of the survivors \.

" Dude Look!!! I just Macho Man Jumped that little queer, HAHA fuck Louis. OH YEAH! "

by J.T.000 January 31, 2009

11👍 4👎

Trojan Gas Mask

The act of placing your balls on ones eyes and then farting in there mouth.

" I gave Sarah a Trojan gas mask last night, she almost threw up in my anus "

by J.T.000 January 31, 2009

33👍 3👎

Snow Jew

A Jew from Russia

" Damn, that kid Pavel is such a fucking snow Jew "

by J.T.000 January 31, 2009

33👍 12👎