Source Code


short miget that likes the cock

hey ur a yons

by JACK April 29, 2003

17πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

lacrosse players

the absolute hottest people alive....
all the girls want lacrosse players and not any other guys.....thast why theres lacrosstitutes (see "lacrossetitute")...cuz everyone wants to get with them

"i want to be one of those lacrosse player's girlfriends! SO bad

by JACK September 1, 2004

494πŸ‘ 371πŸ‘Ž


Some lamoid that thinks they're good because they know what TCP/IP is.

Most of the time people that claim to be "haxx0rs" are 14 year old boys who are too ugly to go out and have fun.

In contrast, the true crackers of the world (300 tops) are the ones actively exploitng software and helping corporations make their software secure.

Dumb-ass kids just use software tools written by crackers because they don't know the difference between an integer and a longword.

"haxx0rs" are usually dismissed as n00bs by experienced peoples.

"i r teh haxx0r!"
"pull the other one, charlie"
"i just haxx0red my m8s box!"
"yes, and i'm mr. mitnik. a tenner says you used NetBIOS"
"STFU n00b"

by JACK July 16, 2004

57πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


farts that warn of a bowel movement or that a bowel movement is imminent.

ned hadn't shit in two days but had shitfarts before he crapped his pants.

by JACK May 11, 2004

36πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


means cool

in japanese its "shibui" so....yea....thats prolly it


by JACK October 22, 2003

212πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž

big b

a big flamming homo names brad binkly who lives in surrey B.C and loves to suck on hairy chink cock...

big b is a flamming flamer

by JACK January 8, 2005

22πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

hooter brown

anpther word for ass

i am going to kick your hooter brown

by JACK July 26, 2004

6πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž