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A declaration sent to friends via email, text or said in person when someone...

1. selfishly chooses going out with a guy or gal for a date over doing an activity with friends. Especially when it is one of the friend's birthday.

2. Forgets to do something or be somewhere with his or her friends.

3. does something selfish rather than helping his friends or others.

4. Shows up late to an event.
5. Shows up late and makes everyone else late for an event.

6. does not show up to an event scheduled by friends.
7. eats all of the food without sharing.
8. gets so drunk that he or she becomes belligerent and incomprehensible, and yells profanity in public places.

9. Hogs the microphone at Karaoke.
10. wants to go to places or eat at places only he or she wants to go to.
11. tells his or her friends not to go to an event, but in turn, goes to the event anyway.

He chooses going on a date with a girl than hang out with his friends on his friend's birthday??!! I declare DOUCHEBAGGERY!!!!

by JAR8 August 30, 2010


A person who thinks they are a connoisseur of food (foodie) but VERY rarely do they find anything to their liking. They selfishly think of only foods and tastes that are only to their liking rather than what foods and tastes that others might like. In some cases they don't even know what they like.

A person is looking to have the best cheeseburger but does not like any of the cheeseburgers he has tried in EVERY FRICK'N restaurant. What a Fuck'n Choosie!!

by JAR8 August 26, 2010

10👍 20👎