Combination of the words "Pandemic" and "Mullet", referring to home haircuts being made during the Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020. When cutting one's own hair, the front is easier to self-style, while the back (hard to cut by oneself) is a butchered mess.
As the unofficial hairstyle of 2020, the Pandlet is, "Business in the front, Pandemic in the back."
Becky Lynch is at the top of her game, top of social media, top of WWE, etc. She is "The Man."
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The newest addition to the list of dress codes for men and women during the time of Covid-19, where most people are working from home and conducting business on Zoom calls. Covid-Formal joins casual, semi-casual, business-casual, semi-formal, and formal in the dress code lexicon.
Covid-Formal consists of business-attire (button-down shirt/tie/jacket for men and button-down shirt or blouse for women) on the torso, and lounge-wear (pajama pants, gym shorts, etc.) on the bottom.
Drew joined in on his daily work Zoom call from home, but didn't have the webcam angled just right, revealing his Covid-Formal dress code of suit and tie with gym shorts, to all of his co-workers.
The soon to be prison nickname of the Piece-Of-Totally-Useless-Shit (POTUS), Donald J. Trump.
Even before taking office, but especially since, the Donfather has had his very small hands in some shady shit.
Using baby wipes to wipe off one's BO and sweat, rather than taking a proper shower.
I was running late for my meeting the other morning, so to save time I grabbed the baby wipes and took a Redneck Shower before getting dressed.
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Using baby wipes to wipe off one's BO and sweat, rather than taking a proper shower.
I was running late for my meeting the other morning, so to save time I grabbed the baby wipes and took a Redneck Shower before getting dressed.
Combination of the words "Zoom" and "Mullet", referring to the home haircuts being made during the Covid Pandemic of 2020. When cutting one's own hair, the front is easy and ends up more "business-like," whereas the back is more difficult and is often completely butchered or more "party-like."
Zoullet. It's business in the front, and butchered in the back.
With the majority of all business now being conducted over Zoom meetings, it's important to keep your Zoullet looking it's best.
Derek logged in for his 8:00a Zoom meeting with a new professional looking haircut. However, when the boss asked him to grab a report off his printer behind him, Derek turned around to reveal a butchered scalp, the results of a 2020 zoullet.