Source Code

stroking it

a way of saying masterbation

yo, i just stroked it, quite wonderful

by JESSE June 17, 2003

51πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


bitches who follow thier leader,
someone who cant fight alone,
someone scared of bigger kids so they get backup,
someone who thinks its cool so joins not knowing he's being the real "gangstas" bitch,
basically a dumbass who cant defend himself or stand alone also known as pussies,

"gangsta" yo fagot did u juss mak fun o my set bitch?
"me" dude i live here too
"gangsta"i gittin my dawgs on your ass yo
"me" dude shut the fuck up, and take me on alone
"gangsta" ahhh , suspect, lil joker,kid, lil devil, fuck come here im gittin some disrespect over here

by JESSE February 18, 2005

56πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


v., 1. To eliminate an enemy or malefactor, or to rectify a near fatal error or terrible mistake. 2. To remove from high office, through judicial review or public referendum, a dangerous imbecile, odious fraud, or chimpanzee. 3. To reclaim the soul of one's country by reversing or redressing a grievous historical injustice

"After Whitewater, Bush's lies about Iraq give us no choice but to chimpeach the murdering bastard, unless we want the whole goddam world to think that the lives of our sons and daughters are less significant than lying about a blowjob."

by JESSE May 18, 2004

284πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


those people who talk funny in texas chainsaw massacre or someone who lives in a oldschool silver, shiny pill shaped trailer, talks funny, has a mullet, wears trucker hats, has ripped up jeans and a belt with a semi truck or a gun on their belt buckle

hey look its billy bob johnson what a fuckin hick lets go piss on his trailer and put sand in his dirtbike

by JESSE November 3, 2003

19πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


a car that has been modified by lowering it and puttinh hydrolics on it. they usually have custom paint jobs and interiors.

yo mang,Ill run you over in my lowrider sa

by JESSE February 13, 2004

51πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

internet boyfriend

someone online that you lust after without needing to meet them, communicate with them, or having any sort of contact with them. is also similiar to TV/Movie boy/girlfriend.

I was searching through some pictures on mostbeautifulman.com and totally found my new internet boyfriend. he is a hottie for sure!

by JESSE January 7, 2004

47πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


when u think u have to fart but then u shit

On the first day of kindergarten Katie was soo nervous that she was on the her way to school and she thought she had to fart but she had an oopsie.

by JESSE March 31, 2004

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