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San Simeon

A state of euphoria in which a person, no matter how bad things seem, is always calm. In San Simeon a person lives to have fun and gives no regard to the bad thigns in life.

"Whereever I go, wherever i stay, my will alwyas be...San Simeon"


by JEff September 5, 2004

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Hittin', Bangin', Fly, Dope, etc.

Aw yeah!! That new Kool Keith CD is Slamtastic, yo!

by JEff December 7, 2003

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The emo kids of the hip hop culture

I listen to atmosphere, "f*ck you lucy", that's not emo, I don't know what is

by JEff April 23, 2005

45πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Dance Dance Revolution

A popular arcade game in which you must use your feet to press arrows in coordination with what goes on on a screen infront of the player.

On a side note, also a great game.
The Japanese (Konami) are quite ingenious when it comes to unique, and as usual, very popular games. Take Metal Gear for example. It was rated one of the best games of the year back in the day, and still is with the new games and series coming out. DDR does not attract only ugly, pale young males, and no females. In my area there are plenty of both young healthy males and young cute girls that play the game.
"Homosexuals" is definitley the wrong term to be used when defining DDR. When 2 males go up together to play, they do not make contact with eachother nor do they make any sexual reactions to one another.

Dance Dance Revolution is a popular Japanese arcade game.

by JEff August 11, 2003

129πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


1. Verb - To present the facade of an exciting evening out with friends strictly to leave one's house.

2. Verb - To create a deceptively convenient situation in order to attain a ride somewhere, subsequently needing to be driven home. Often with little or no warning, and always involving bait.

3. Noun - One who engages in the aformentioned schemes.

1. "Dude where the fuck is everybody?! You fucking kilbied me!"

2. "The young man realized he had no wheels so he kilbied a friend into taking him, seducing him with beer."

3. "Fuckin' kilby."

by JEff February 3, 2004

9πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


verb-To spill indiscriminately (and/or unintentionally), ala an oil spill.

When Johnny Velvet drank too much, he texacoed the urinal stall.

by JEff December 21, 2004

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

the one eyed wonder worm

penis, schlang, trouser snake, dick, your magic stick of pleasure.

George Carlin uses this expression in his stand up. Download it, it is called the incomplete list of insults or something rather like that.

by JEff March 21, 2005

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž