Source Code

fuck shit

somebody so fucking retarted you couldnt think of anything else to say after you called them a fuck, so you said shit....hence fuck shit

Michael your a fuck......shit

by JOE March 23, 2004

58πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


Used to describe less-than-amusing situations in a more palatable fashion.. like if you had to say it to a purdy girl and you don't wanna cuss in front of her ('cause thats what mean people do) - duh

"Dude, im like so effed.. I let kitty out of the house again, and my mom's gonna be crazy mad at me - cause kitty's mad sniffable and all the dawgs are gonna chase it"

by JOE January 28, 2004

8πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


the male genitalia

eric has a small dangla

by JOE September 9, 2003

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The act of containing multi-loopholes.

Internet Explorer is so loopholish.

by JOE December 29, 2005

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Clowning a person
To make fun of

Apk-crew if your reading this your ass jus got clowned majorly!

by JOE December 18, 2004

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A place for losers to bitch, moan, and for wicked22 to feel accepted.

Wicked:Quest why are they banning me

by JOE January 20, 2005

198πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž


gay men who grow long, unruly beards in order to express their rustic male "realness" as well as their alterna-queer credibility. They crave only the companionship of other beardos.

That beardo in overalls, dancing alone to Souixie and the Banshees, smells positively Victorian.

by JOE February 6, 2005

21πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž