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An up and coming rock band from Missouri

Man, Sylas kicks ass.

by JOE December 15, 2003

34πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


its the first letters of the words(I had to make the definition longer)

More Push Ups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by JOE February 6, 2004


Means something is bigger than normal.

(Person 2 just went off course and right into Person 1.)
Person 1: Shit! Why did you run into me???
Person 2: A bee just flew in my face! Man, that was one fat-off bee!

by JOE April 22, 2005

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Bacon is a valuable peace of meat that does not come from chicken, other wise it would be called chicken.It is stylish to be seen with bacon or eat it, bacon is kewl.

I am a bacon.

by JOE June 25, 2004

12πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

french military victories

A sign of the apocolypse

French win a war, the earth is doomed

by JOE December 9, 2003

722πŸ‘ 711πŸ‘Ž

world of warcraft

1. A modern day rite of passage where boys become men. World of Warcraft is a game for over-achievers who find life too easy and need more of challenge than what their daily routine provides. 2. A dosage of reality for certain relationships. A way for girlfriends to discover their true worth. These unfortunate ones must remember that anger and lashing out is the first step to recovery.

Learn to dance like a female Nightelf from World of Warcraft, THEN we'll talk. Till then don't come out of the kitchen.

by JOE February 10, 2005

892πŸ‘ 662πŸ‘Ž

internet tough guy

Someone who constantly talks about how bad and "hardcore" they are over the connected phone lines called the internet. These people usually frequent chat rooms and online forums for the sole purpose of shit talking and gloating to complete strangers to fill the void in their life, something that dosen't impress someone in the REAL WORLD. They also like to troll areas in chat and forums that contain such topics as: Martial Arts, Boxing, Fighting, Excercise, Weight Lifting, Wrestling etc. so they can compete with other lifeless internet whores for the sole purpose of determining who is the biggest nerd of them all. These people talk about how much ass they kick and how they could take on the world single handedly, when in reality, quiver at such ideas of someone who dosen't like them finding them in their parents basement where they thought they were safe. Internet Tough Guys should be regarded as the lowest form of life on Earth. 99% of the time they are liars, who will make completely bogus claims of being 7 feet tall, 400 pounds of pure muscle, and bench 700. Often they have bullshit stories to accompany such shitty claims like "I've wrestled a bear and a lion at the same time, and I kicked both of their asses with ease!" or "I'm a pro boxer who beat Mike Tyson in a backyard brawl with no gloves!" They often reply with sayings such as "fuck you", "i'll kick you ass", "your luckee that i cant get you", and the ever popular "where do you live and ill beat you ass". All threats by Internet Tough Guys should be promply backed up with "Try it with a nerd who buys into your tough guy bullshit".

muscleman1596732: i bet joo wont say that to my face!
muscleman1596732: ill kick your ass where do you live!!
muscleman1596732: i can take teh world on!!11
muscleman1596732: i kicked tysons ass and i no i can kick yers!!!111

by JOE August 30, 2004

1178πŸ‘ 168πŸ‘Ž