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Definition 1) The ability to destroy one’s “BIG IDEA” without taking any ownership of “Hey, what just happened”
Definition 2) To Deny culpability at the end or close to the end of the process.

Per Definition 1:
a) I’d rather denialate the thought of being on Bob’s team then telling him outright his ideas just plain suck!
b) Jim was so adept in his denialation of Jane’s concept that she ended up handing over the entire portfolio.

Per Definition 2:
Mike wanted to take responsibility for his horrible actions but since he was able to denialate them he was ruled out as a suspect.

by JSP2 May 13, 2020


NOUN - An ocurrance whereby you find yourself STUCK to an EMAIL thread that clearly doesn't involve you. No matter how many times you try you just can't seem to get yourself removed.

Dear Harriet, can you please make your way down to the Home Depot, ask for Sammy in the Hand Tools dept and locate a Crow Bar to PRY MY SORRY ASS off this Email Thread. This Threadstick clearly doesn't involve me.

by JSP2 June 18, 2020


Archow - Synonym “Annoying”. Similar words “Goo-Dar.” -

Archow is one of those words your 9 year-old sons keep repeating in order to be annoying. Even at that tender age they know all too well that it just annoys the crap outta you. And so they’re just plain relentless about it.

Hey Dad - That's a mighty fine Archow ya got there... AR-CHOWWWWWWW....

by JSP2 February 1, 2020

2👍 1👎

Cadillac Balls

When you're too cheap to fly somewhere for a girl and end up having to borrow the old man's Caddy to get there and then you STILL get rejected.

Jake was too damn cheap to fly down to Miami so the idiot DROVE there to make love to Samantha and found out she REALLY ONLY liked him as a friend. He clearly suffered from Cadillac Balls that week.

by JSP2 September 13, 2012