Source Code


elemental spirit of water.

oh look, an undine, wow!

by JaY December 2, 2004

38πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Basic Seminar

Short for Basic Life Principles Seminar, it's the first installment in a long line of Bill Gothard's teachings. Often accompanied by a Children's Institute.

"Hmm, I'm not so sure about everything that's taught in the Basic Seminar."

by JaY February 21, 2005

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A form of which when another releases his/her fecis on another's face while making forms of having sex, or just being plain fucking sick.

Wow, pukaki from everywhere, whod know it would end up there.

by JaY February 10, 2004

17πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Short for 'viral marketing'. An online marketing strategy that encourages people to pass on a marketing message. Amusing and low-budget, a good Internet viral campaign (e.g. "Jerry Tate: Office Linebacker") will get surfers forwarding the ad to all of their friends to others, giving the company great word of mouth.

"FWD: Check out this hilarious viral from Hyundai!"

by JaY April 14, 2004

677πŸ‘ 220πŸ‘Ž

My Lai

A place in Vietnam where US soldiers beat, raped, tortured and murdered hundreds of innocent civilians and burned their village, knowing full well that the Viet Cong were not there (as demonstrated in court by US military witnesses).

Of the many perpetrators, only one was ever convicted but later pardoned by the President, showing that War Crimes and War Criminals are tolerated in America - as long as they were perpetrated by Americans (or indeed, Israelis).

Man! I went to My Lai and raped me a fine little 12 year old Vietnamese girl, beat and shot a few of the yella gooks and burned their village - and no-one ever pulled me up on it! God Bless America! Now, I'm off to Iraqistan to killify that evil murdering Soddam guy! We can't have world leaders abusing human rights!

by JaY April 16, 2004

100πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Gabrielle Union

my goddess. the sexiest woman on the planet.

Gabrielle was born on October 29, 1973 in Omaha, Nebraska. However, at the age of 8, her family moved to Pleasanton, CA, where she grew up and attended high school. In high school, Union was an all-star point guard and a year round athlete participating in soccer, basketball, and track. After high school Gabrielle attended college at University of Nebraska, where she played on the soccer team; and then later transferred to Cuesta College. Eventually she ended up at UCLA. On her way to law school, just planning on being a working stiff, things started to happen during her senior year. Gabrielle had a college internship at a L.A. modeling agency, she thought it would be an easy way to pick up some extra credits. Little did she know that clients were eyeing the help. Upon the completion of the internship, she was asked to become a client with the agency. Gabby thought of it as a great way to pay off a stack of college loans, and modeled until her agent found that she could actually act. Her first audition/job was landed with out any headshots, on Saved by the Bell. Since then she has went on to have many small but substantial film roles and has guest starred on several hit TV shows, all before landing the role of Dr. Courtney Ellis, on CBS' short lived medical drama City of Angels. Although she plays parts that are opinionated and strong, Gabrielle believes that, "Hollywood needs to recognize all shades of African American beauty." Gabrielle is a graduate of UCLA with honors, in sociology, and is married to Chris Howard.

Gabrielle Union was in the movie Bad Boys II

by JaY October 27, 2004

111πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

coke slut

an individual - most often a skanky woman - who engages in sexual acts in exchange for crack or powder cocaine

That fucking coke slut tried to steal my wallet, so I punched her in the nose.

by JaY April 30, 2003

74πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž