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The term comes from the 2 words pridgen(stupidy)+shwarzeneggar(powerful)

Possessing ultra powerful levels of retardness. So much in fact that you wouldn't know that it would suck to be on fire

Mr. Norwood was such a pridgeneggar that he didn't realized he had drowned.

by Jack Elkin March 13, 2010

1👍 2👎


Getting a hand job while giving a piggy back ride.

The word Higgins comes from the combination of hand+piggy

Jessica Hated walking home from school. So much infact, that she would supply her half of a Higgins for transportation

Jim liked getting a Higgins from Sarah because she was light weight, easy to carry, and devoted to supplying a performance worthy of a climax.

by Jack Elkin March 11, 2010

112👍 55👎