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An individual who was born powerless but identify as powerful

I’m transpower I was born powerless but I identify as most powerful individual in the world

by Jack lop March 30, 2023


A individual who identifies with a specific power

I’m transpower I was born powerless but i identifies as most powerful individual in the world

by Jack lop March 30, 2023


A person Identify as specific power that doesn’t match the power that they were assigned at birth

I’m transpower im a powerful person trapped in powerless body that I was assign at birth and I in transition in powerful person in the world

by Jack lop March 30, 2023


A person who identify power does t that match the power they were assigned at birth

I’m transpower I was born powerless but I identify as most powerful person in the world

by Jack lop March 30, 2023

Body dysphoria

Being dissatisfied with your biological body and want to change it example Plastic surgery

Gaining weight

Losing weight

I have body dysphoria I don’t like my body and want to change it

by Jack lop May 2, 2023