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If you've happened to charm a Brittney into your life, you're probably one of the most fortunate souls in this world. Brittney's are passionate, creative, sexy humans with a sense of humor that will have your cheeks hurting from laughing.

Those with the name Brittney have an eye for aesthetics, and will create the coziest most intentionally perfect spaces to snuggle into. Brittney's are extremely talented and can literally learn a new skill every week and amaze all with her imaginative creations.

Brittney's are kind and gentle, nurturing and empathetic. But don't try to f**k with a Brittney because she will hold you accountable for your shit. She is intuitive and bright. You will literally cry yourself to an early grave if you mess up a chance to get to know a Brittney.

Lastly, if you happen to be lucky enough to get intimate with a Brittney, your head will roll because she is a sensual powerhouse and will definitely have you desiring all the pleasure.

She is a goth icon.

Person: Did you see that babe over there??? Omg what a fricken icon!!!

Me: of course, that's a BRITTNEY

by Jackie Hannah November 24, 2021


Nyci is a type of rainbow fairy shape-shifter. This brilliant and stunningly beautiful being can transform into a multitude of creatively inspired variations of themselves, and have quite an alluring nature to them. If you spot a Nyci in her element, be aware that you may be blindsided by her enchanting presence and graceful dances. Nyci's can cause you to forget where you are or what you're doing because once you lay eyes on one, your mind can no longer logically comprehend your surroundings.

Beware, Nyci'S are wildly independent creatures, and must not be contained or defined by anyone or anything. Doing so is blasphemy because trying to encapsulate the pure magnificence of a Nyci would be doing an injustice to all of humankind. If you ever have the chance to encounter this beautiful being, you may consider yourself to be one of the most fortunate people in the world.

I thought I saw an angel but really it was a Nyci fairy casting brilliant orbs of rainbow juice into the atmosphere.

by Jackie Hannah April 25, 2016