One of the main characters in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga series, a teenage werewolf of the Native American Quileute tribe, who is the best friend or 'personal sun' of the main protagonist Bella Swan.
Easygoing, laid-back and fun, Jacob (Jake) is described as a happy magnetic teenager who makes others around him happy and comfortable that even the awkward Bella finds their friendship to be as natural as breathing. Always there for her and understands her best, Jacob was the sunshine that uplifted Bella's life when she hit rock-bottom, the one whom she could completely rely on, and is truly a best friend one could ever have.
However he falls in love with Bella whom is in love with Edward Cullen but realizes that she, in fact, deeply loves Jacob as well.
Just a very realistic, human and awesome character that one can't help but love, even Stephenie Meyer absolutely adores him.
Oh did I mention he's hot in both the books AND movie (portrayed by the fine young Taylor Lautner)?
"Does my being half-naked bother you?" - Jacob Black.
"Like we were connected, the echo of his pain twisted inside me. His pain, my pain." - Bella Swan on Jacob Black
"Jacob was my first experience with a character taking overâa minor character developing such roundness and life that I couldn't keep him locked inside a tiny role....From the very beginning, even when Jacob only appeared in chapter six of Twilight, he was so alive. I liked him. More than I should for such a small part." - Stephenie Meyer
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