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Working Class

The working class are people that have to work jobs that are either monotonous and demeaning or dangerouns and dirty. Many of them work with little payment or high job insecurity in assembly lines and on highways, but some make more money than their upper-middle class white collar bretheren. I've met some people that are blue collar, yet live in a large house next to doctors and businessmen in a subdivision, retired at 50, and drive new cars. Many of them have a similar standard of living to the middle class and after years of work (depending on career), get above-median incomes, meaning that with two income-earners could have six-figure incomes. Unfortunately, that is only a small percentage. A lot of them loose their jobs, homes, and end up in poverty.

The working class are the muscle of america.

by Jag140 October 17, 2011

162๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Upper Class

The Upper Class defines many different subspecies of humans (despite the small percentage of the population) of mainly two areas, Old Money and New Money.

The first species (Homo Republicanus) generally consists of old money. Homo Republicanus are generally very stubborn and angry and shouldn't be interacted with directly. They complain that the working class (they are called working for a reason) need to get off their lazy asses and should get harvard diplomas, afterall the upper class are working hard playing golf and paying their servants. Homo Republicanus believes that the liberals are communist and consider anyone below them in social class to be filthy peasants.

The second species (Nouveau riche Anubis) consists of more new money. Bill Gates would be an example, as well as many other people that have worked hard to become rich. Many people in this group are discriminated against by species such as Homo Republicanus because they aren't inbred and because they "intentionally" weren't born into the Upper Class. Although "new money" generally has more importance than Homo Republicanus because most of them have contributed to society instead of inherit wealth.

"Ew! Mother, why are we driving through a landfill?"- A young Upper Class person driving through an upper-middle class neighborhood in a lamborghini

"Those liberal commies. Why should the poor people have rights and taxes lower than us?"- An Upper Class Homo-republicanus complaining about people with less money than him

by Jag140 July 9, 2011

200๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gangsters are often portrayed as members of the African American Underclass when they come from a variety of backgrounds. True Gangsters were members of Mafias and commited white collar crimes. They were generally wealthy, prestigous, and unlike the "Gangsters" of today, had an elementary school education.
The other type of Gangster would be the trash that prowls the streets. Their habitats range from D-class projects to shitty homes with appliances on the lawn and they have little knowledge of the outside world, resulting in a lack of morals, and the intelligence of an aggressive goat. Gangsters often rob stores with items anyone can afford, they have killed the innocent, including small children. Gangsters are sick bastards that have no value. They plague cities. Gangsters cause racism and without them, the US would be a much better country. Gangsters hate the police, heck they hate anyting that is more valuable in society than they are.

How tough Gangsters are:
Gangster: Wat da fuck, get da fuck of my turf
7 Year Old: I'm telling my mom
Gangster: *Pulls out Colt .45* I'll pop a cap up yo ass bitch
7 Year Old: *Throws a light punch*
Gangster: *Starts Crying*

by Jag140 January 1, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bieber Fever

The term Bieber fever applies mainly to prepubescent girls with a few exceptions. Most people that actually have bieber fever are either:
1. Deaf
2. Possesing an IQ below room temperature
3. Pedophiles
4. Knowing nothing about music
5. Under the age of 10

Few people know the cause of Bieber Fever, but it generally causes any girl years younger than him to love him and anyone with a tiny bit of manliness or sense of music having a strong hatred towards the girl they call Justin. Usually this would cause someone to go to jail and eventually get shanked multiple times, but Bieber is a celebrity and is known to attract miles of fools that can actually listen to his sqeaky xbox live-esque voice. After concerts, the crowds are generally worse than riots, and the Local Swat teams have to hold back the now savage fans.

Dumbass Girl: Woo! I have Bieber Fever!

Person with complexity above a fruit fly: He makes horrible music, how can you like him?

Dumbass Girl: STFU! He's very talented

Person: *Sigh* (Procedes to daydream about Bieber getting cudgelled)

by Jag140 July 9, 2011

179๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž