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A wanker that throws fast food at peoples homes.

Did you see the gilson struck again? ThereҀ™s pizza all over my roof!

by Jagmeat July 6, 2018

39πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Dickens

A Sneaky Dickens attack is when someone gets up from from their seat at a bar or restaurant and leaves their coat temporarily unattended. The attacker quickly draws a penis on a napkin or scrap of paper and puts it in the unsuspecting victims coat pocket for them to find at a later time. Some more advanced attackers may even have penises drawn on many pieces of paper ahead of time so that they can carry out attacks more efficiently and with less risk of being caught since their "ammo" is pre-made.

"When I got home from the bar last night my coat pockets had a bunch of dick drawings in them. Someone gave me a Sneaky Dickens."

"Let's get Chad with a Sneaky Dickens when he goes to the bathroom."

by Jagmeat March 12, 2021

27πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž