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baby daddy

Slang for "baby's father" this term is used to describe a man who has had children with a woman (often times multiple women) but isn't married to or currently involved in a relationship with the mother.

"Got to go to court and finalize the custody dispute with my baby daddy."

"Oh you mean James? That's just my baby daddy."
"Me and my baby daddy could never get along."

by Jaiha December 25, 2014

6👍 1👎

Baby Mama

Short for "Baby's Mother" and considered an offensive term given by a man to describe the woman whom he has a child or children with but isn't married to them.

Other definitions refer to a baby mama as being a young woman who has more than one child by different men, is not financially stable and getting government assistance (Welfare / Child Support etc.) Or are considered gold digging, drama filled women who only became pregnant to try and keep hold of the man whom they were romantically involved.

This is not entirely true, more so a biased compilation of opinions or stereotypes used to further degrade a young woman who conceived a child or children out of wedlock.

Not all unwed women with children conceived just to hold the man around nor are all "baby mama's" on welfare or receiving child support benefits or are gold diggers.

Taking on solely the full responsibility of raising a child especially in today's society without the steady help of the father takes a strong willed and mature woman and deserves recognition instead of devaluing of her worth just because she did not become the man's wife.

"There goes DeWayne's baby mama."
"No we're not together anymore, she's just my baby mama."

by Jaiha December 25, 2014

9👍 6👎