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Flex Tape

Basically God, if you haven’t already heard of this stuff, climb out from under that boat that was sawed in half and put back together and go get some!

Flex Tape does basically anything you can think of!
Bee Hive on your gutter? BOOM! Flex Tape!
Want to stop peeing the bed? BOOM! Flex Tape! (Have fun getting that shit off)
Professional Waxing too expensive? BOOM! Flex Tape!
Significant other or other person won’t shut up? BOOM! Flex Tape

“I sawed this boat in half, and repaired it using only Flex Tape!”~ Phil Swift

by Jake Furry Killer August 19, 2018

70👍 2👎

Sugar Gay

The act of tweezing a person of the same sex’s nipples

“I’m so Sugar Gay that I’m gonna tweeze your nipples!”

by Jake Furry Killer March 17, 2019

231👍 20👎