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A girl who goes around arousing guys while she's on her period.

Dude, Sue was being such a doucheslut. She was dancing with all the guys at the party and most of em had blood stains on their pants.

by Jalapeno De Aweschomeness January 19, 2009

1👍 6👎


A fruit used by Asians for masturbational purposes. While other races usually use a grapefruit, a grapefruit is too much for an Asian to handle. Often heated up for more satisfaction.

German: I'm gonna go jerk with my grapefruit. Wanna come?
Asian: Konichiwa. No. I'll stick to my clementine.

by Jalapeno De Aweschomeness January 19, 2009

7👍 24👎


To rub and relieve sore genitalia.

Man I pulled a muscle in my groin at practice, I could use an alfonzo.

by Jalapeno De Aweschomeness January 19, 2009

29👍 59👎