Chalahoopian is a word that is used to describe an unexpected describable shape, sound, person ...
For example a retarded Psy Duck
Yesterday I saw a Chalahoopian Teletubby
Krunk is a word to describe someone that aggressively fists someone or something in the ass as a threat.
Im gon Krunk u in da ass u lil squirrel.
Peytons are often very funny people and love to talk. They are often confident with theirselves and love to express their opinion. Peytons are often akward at times but in a way that makes them funny. Peytons are the best at the thing they do like sports, videogames, school and even vape tricks. They are often confused with being high even when completely sober. You never want to get on their bad side they often seek revenge and wont tolerate stupid bitches.