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a chinese person who acts or thinks he is black. Pretty much the same as a wigger but a chinese person instead of a white person.

"yo my homies" -chinese's person talkin
"yo dawg"-chinese's person
(sorry could not come up with an example and they make you

by James December 23, 2004

32πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

pyramid scheme

illegal money-making arrangement where great wealth is promised, usually in a relatively short period of time.
very few people, if anyone, end up making any money, and in fact end up GIVING money in their vain hope of striking it rich.

there are many organizations which are, in reality,legalized versions of the pyramid scheme - Amway is probably the most well known and has been around the longest.

by James January 22, 2004

65πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A woman/girl who is scared of having sex

She was a fridge

by James March 11, 2003

77πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

Che Guevara

A communist douche bag who hated money (literally), executed prisoners of war, and only succeeded in one battle where his opponents actually surrendered. He ran a notorious political prison and murdered many innocent people. He then traveled to the Congo where he fostered more violence. Upon his return to South America, he was murdered by the Bolivian army in much the same way he murdered political prisoners.

Young college douchebag - "Che Guevara was hero!"
Someone with half a brain - "I didn't know heroes ran political prisons and executed men who already surrendered."

by James March 22, 2006

553πŸ‘ 364πŸ‘Ž

ice man

cool dude form the film top gun

ice man is ice cold he makes no mistakes.....poor goose

by James March 30, 2004

19πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


The feeling after an orgasm

Her afterglow was immense

by James March 11, 2003

1306πŸ‘ 396πŸ‘Ž


Somaliland ( in Eastern Africa) is the newest country in the world. Actually it was a recognized in 1960 by more than 35 countries, however, it get united to the well known Somalia. After union, Somalilander suffered of bad law, dictatorship and racism from the Somalians who ruled the union. So in 1980s Somaliland fought Somalian troops and freed their country Somaliland.

This state is not recognized due to the absence of Somalia which could not stand up after the war with Somaliland.

Somaliland is 100% Muslims, yet a free democratic nation.

The republic of Somaliland

by James March 17, 2005

288πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž